You may download our posting-priority list
(PDF document), which includes a Pulfrich Effect bibliography and details our
plan for posting future papers at this site.
Date | Change |
1998-12-05 | (Site installed inhouse at SIU-C for Alpha Test) |
1999-03-25 | (Initial site online for 6-month Beta Test) |
1999-09-25 | (Ended the Beta Test period) |
2010-10-15 | Added three Nickalls papers to external links
page, with refs from Nickalls' Theorem page. Also added a baseball curveball news clip to external links under human factors. |
2010-07-22 | Updated Lit Awards page for 2010. |
2010-07-17 | Made all queued changes noted below. Added photo of Mt. Hamilton in winter to Lick page. Updated Lit Awards for 2008 and 2009. |
2009-07-28 | Added ref. to Ole Roemer article to Pers. Eqn. page Added link on Phys & Astro page to Pers Eqn. page. |
2009-06-06 | Changed S. Newcomb italicized 'personal equation' ref.
to a link. Added paragraph on APF project to Lick main page. |
2009-05-30 | Fixed more C. Pulfrich URLs by capitalizing .gz file names
(unclear why upload to server downcased some file names). NOTE: Access to the web site was interrupted from April 2009 through July 2010; the three next changes were scheduled at the times logged but actually were made on 2010-07-17. |
2009-04-11 | Updated Dick Nickalls' Email; fixed three C. Pulfrich URLs. |
2009-03-20 | Added quotes from Simon Newcomb biog. to Personal Equation pages. |
2008-11-29 | Added closeup dome photo to Lick page; added mention
of KEK power supplies to SLAC page. Added my Big Boing satire and Global Warming deduction to Phys & Astro Tidbits. |
2008-07-16 | Fixed "west" to "east" on Lick Obs. main page. |
2008-03-01 | Added Alicia Swan's alma mater to Lit award page. |
2008-01-01 | Updated Email address on Nickalls' Theorem page. |
2007-12-19 | Updated Dick Nickalls' Email address on Credits page. |
2007-11-18 | Added 2007 Lit Award info; fixed "2005" typo on 2006 award page. Added overview of linac site to SLAC P&S page. |
2007-04-14 | Minor rephrases in Meteor Crater page. |
2007-04-10 | Fixed typo in Phys of c proof; added labels to proof axes. |
2007-04-07 | Replaced Lasik cataract enternal link with one to NEI. Rephrased some of the Diffract text. Added flash-lag effect ref on ext links. |
2007-04-05 | Fixed Diffract typo; revised speed of light proof. |
2007-04-03 | Added speed-of-light proof and link on Phys n Astro. |
2007-03-17 | Added Atmospheric Scattering link to Physics and Astronomy page. Added direct link to Phys n Astro on home page menu. |
2007-02-24 | Expanded Carlson DVD commentary on ext links page. Added site-map ref to Physics and Astronomy tidbits. |
2006-12-20 | Minor rewording on Meteor Crater page. |
2006-12-19 | Fixed redirectors by removing index.html tail. |
2006-12-18 | Added Meteor Crater page. Changed index.html redirectors to absolute web address of top page. |
2006-03-06 | Fixed Rigby-proof page typoes. |
2006-03-05 | Added Rigby Proof page (Nickall's Theorem). |
2006-02-05 | Added photo presentation of 2005 Lit Scholarship award. |
2005-11-25 | Minor edits on Physics & Astronomy Lick Observatory page. |
2005-11-20 | Added a photo of Mt. Hamilton viewed from El Camino to the Physics & Astronomy Lick Observatory page. |
2005-11-06 | Posted the Lit Scholarship certificate awarded to Kit Elam. |
2005-07-31 | Fixed Nickalls (2000) ext. link. Replaced the Nickalls (1986) PDF with an updated version. |
2005-06-27 | Fixed Horn cataract ext. link. Added link to NASA cataract posting. |
2005-04-30 | Added Privacy Policy links to all pages. Added photo of Debbie Bychowski & Mike Young to 2004 Awards. |
2004-09-30 | Added pendulum images to Pulfrich text explanation. Revised SLAC NLC text for superconducting magnets. Fixed a Lick typo. |
2004-08-13 | Minor improvements to Lick & SLAC pages. |
2004-08-12 | Added introductory text explanation, so readers don't have to dive right into technicalities. Added photos and text for Lick Observatory and SLAC to Personal Equation page. |
2004-06-01 | Fixed "months" again. Added Debbie Bychowski to recipients; added Jean Lit photo, at console. Slightly reorganized award pages for future ease of maintenance. |
2004-05-08 | Fixed "months" on Fred Lit portrait page. |
2004-04-17 | Added D. P. Carlson Pulfrich DVD sample as link to externals page. |
2004-04-13 | Replaced root page SIU-C logo with official one. |
2004-04-04 | Fixed link to Psych Dept home. |
2004-03-14 | Added Lit Endowment donation address. |
2004-02-09 | Fixed many broken external links. |
2003-12-18 | Added photos from the 2003 award ceremony. Fixed typo in J. M. W. text Explanation. |
2003-09-27 | Set TABLE width=100% and cols=1 to mitigate effect. Added Lit Scholarship award & ceremony info. |
2003-08-18 | Removed root page main TABLE width=95%
to work around display stretching in Netscape 7. |
2003-05-10 | Added Fred Lit Obit & some Lit Scholarship info. |
2002-12-14 | Added ext link to Guy Malherbe's stereoscopic effects site. |
2002-11-03 | Added ext link to FilmFoetus ad for DVD including Pulfrich 3-D film. |
2002-07-03 | Added ext link to Tyzx 3-D video chip article. |
2002-06-06 | Added ext link to Anzai, et al, 2001. |
2002-02-09 | Added link to 2D Curve site & from Nickalls' Theorem page. Minor rewordings. |
2001-08-18 | Added abstract of Canales (2001) "Exit the frog . . .". |
2001-08-04 | Added ext. link to Cambridge U. Press. |
2001-04-17 | Added C. Wolf (1865) to Personal Equation page. |
2001-03-01 | Updated external links. |
2001-02-05 | Corrected ref. to Canales (2001) in press. |
2001-02-03 | Added Canales (2001) on personal equation. New history external links. |
2001-01-04 | Added OSA and ARVO external links. |
2000-11-15 | Some minor changes: OSA in 2001. |
2000-08-31 | Noted Alfred Lit's death on Contributors' page. |
2000-08-09 | Fixed CF signs in text explanation. |
2000-08-07 | Added Lit & Hyman (1951). |
2000-07-23 | Fixed BGCOLOR syntax on numerous old pages. |
2000-07-18 | Added some links to Text Explain page; Added Alfred Lit photo to Contributors page. |
2000-06-28 | Updated External Links page. |
2000-06-12 | Added Christianson & Hofstetter (1972). |
2000-06-08 | Added Lit, Dwyer, & Morandi (1968). |
2000-06-01 | Added Lit (1966). |
2000-02-20 | Added synopsis of Rushton (1975). |
1999-11-11 | Rewrote synopsis of Lit (1964) for clarity. Added synopsis of Lit & Finn (1976) and Wilson & Lit (1981). |
1999-11-07 | Added synopsis of Lit (1964) and Lit & Hamm (1966). Updated ext. links with OSA site. |
1999-11-03 | Added Lit & Vicars (1966). |
1999-10-25 | Added onscreen illusion instructions to Pulfrich animated explanation page. |
1999-10-08 | Fixed a few text typoes in Lythgoe (1938). |
1999-10-03 | Minor changes to Nickalls' Theorem pages. |
1999-09-25 | Added Lythgoe (1938) and Nickalls' Theorem pages. |
1999-09-08 | Added personal equation page to By Response Time. |
1999-05-02 | Some changes to external link organization & images. Posting-priority list now sorted twice, by author & by date. |
1999-04-18 | Added some new Pulfrich external links. |
1999-04-09 | Added many decorative images; updated priority list. |
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The Pulfrich Effect, SIU-C. Last updated 2010-10-15